Discovery AI

Customer-Savvy Solutions Across Industries

Introducing Discovery AI, our SaaS solution extends Yoit's cutting-edge technologies across any industry. Designed with a deep understanding of the customer journey's mental model, Discovery AI expertly guides customers from initial inspiration to vivid visualization of the products they desire. This adaptability makes Discovery AI a perfect enhancement for any website, fashion-related or otherwise, and is designed for seamless integration with your existing operations.
From Broad Discovery to Concrete Finding
Discovery Agent
A chatbot offers recommendations considering factors like weather, location, purpose, and preferences
Auto-Generated Curation
A theme curation automatic generation system that allows step-by-step exploration with hierarchical layers
Similar Items API
Recommendation of various variations rather than products with the exact same appearance for navigation
Search API
Descriptive Search
Image Search
Hybrid Search


Search Efficiency
55% of Users Find Their Desired Product in a Single Search


Search Performance
2.5x Better Search Results Than Traditional Searches*

Diverse Search Coverage
Over 40% of Clicks Originated from the Bottom 80% of Product Range
*Google Cloud for Retail Report: Search Success on Retail Websites 21% vs. Yoit’s Search Conversion 55%


Auto-Generated Curation
Curation with Automated Efficiency
Experience the convenience of structured exploration with our advanced system that automatically organizes fashion products using specific keywords and filters. This facilitates swift and accurate identification of items related to your selected themes. Say goodbye to manual curation efforts and hello to time efficiency with our Auto-Generated Curation feature.
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Similar Products API
Encourage Continued Exploration
When users show interest in a specific product, the Similar Products API analyzes various details, including the product's image, style, color, and pattern. This information enables it to seamlessly identify other products within your inventory that share similar traits, encouraging continued exploration. This approach enhances cross-selling opportunities, boosts product exposure, and ultimately leads to increased sales and customer satisfaction by offering a wider range of options.

Discovery Agent

Discovery Agent
Personal Fashion Concierge at Customer's Fingertips
The Discovery Agent transforms fashion discovery into an intuitive and effortless experience, much like having a conversation with a personal shopping concierge. It supports descriptive search by effortlessly generating search queries based on user inputs such as budget, weather, body type, and preferences—details that might be challenging for users to articulate on their own. This feature enables users to interact naturally, asking questions and receiving tailored recommendations, thus making their shopping experience highly personalized and genuinely engaging.
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